Ok, now I have to share 7 things about me. I am thinking 7 more things that I haven't shared before.
-I'm lefty! I am a left handed person who grew up doing writing right-handed. When I was a child society was not sympathetic to left-handed persons and eventually learned to write with my right hand. I do everything left- handed accept writing. Coincidently my hubby is a lefty too. So, I was not surprised when I found out my son is also lefty .
-Watching a romantic comedy movie makes me feel happy! I can't stand horror movies.
-Love surprises(of course good ones).
-If it is cheesy, it has to be good :) I like cheese and the idea of cheese.
-Watching a romantic comedy movie makes me feel happy! I can't stand horror movies.
-Love surprises(of course good ones).
-If it is cheesy, it has to be good :) I like cheese and the idea of cheese.
-P.S Please don't eat this!..then my hubby started to read my blog:)
-My son wants to be a FAMOUS singer! He sang a song he made up in class ;)))
You know, I always share my awards all of you guys! Please accept them with all my hearty thanks!
When Tami@Heart Makes Families tagged me by 5 top things about 2009 I wasn't sure if I could find 5 things. Hehe..Obviously, that was my first thought that if I had 5 good things in 2009 that happened to me. Oh gosh, it was a tough year for me and my family though. Yeah, I thought just like that. But I noticed that it wasn't that bad. Yes, money was tight but, thanks god we were healthy..we were together..we caught so many good days that we laughed also had some good times with some dear friends and we enjoyed this tough year anyway. Also I had you guys in 2009. My summer and fall were full of blog love, really good friends, having new followers, your comments, emails, your support made me happy!. While I was reading each of your blogs, I felt that I was not alone. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thanks Tami! She is switching over to wordpress. You can visit her blog soon...
Here is my top 5 favorite things about 2009;
-The day my son jumped off the board for the first time. Lol, I was more excited than him:)
-My birthday. My hubby and my son surprised me in the kitchen (12.05 am)
I was invited to a PJ party!
-Our anniversary:) December 6th
-It was a regular day that we enjoyed to spend almost all day in John's Beach
A beautiful summer day!(July, 2009)
-First day of the school(here) He incredibly loves the school!And here is the last one! I was tagged by Ems @Beauty Inside&Out again. Another picture tag. Lol, she wants to see my childhood picture:-) I don't really have so many picture of my childhood. Love you girl! So, I found this.
When I was 5. My hair had always been short until middle school. My dad never liked long hair though. I had long hair (at least longer) when I was in middle school. Until I got married my hair had never been that short.(15 years). Now, I'm ok either short or long hair:) This year I have short hair(here) again. Thanks Ems for tagging me. Otherwise I would never think to publish my childhood picture. Stop by her lovely blog and say 'hi '
Have a great Sunday!
Country Bob's Sauce Giveaway ends tomorrow(here)