Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Feels Like Yesterday!

Oh, time incredibly flies!

 Wasn't it a few weeks ago that my son moved to the states? Ayayay... It has been almost two years since.

So, wasn't it a couple of weeks ago that I started YouTube videos? Almost a year! The good news is you're the pilot of "The Life Plane."

I'm sharing a few here with you guys. If you'd like to subscribe, you make my day. Hope, you join me! 

My motto is "collect moments not things" and all I tried to do is -enjoy every day and stay healthy. - Only key I found is "keeping myself busy and productive."

Wishing y'all a good year!
When you're decided you're not going to stay where you are, you already took the first step towards getting somewhere new.

Give Yourself Something 
to Look Forward To.

Life is short!

Hope to see you on my channel 🤗💕


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