Sunday, December 29, 2019

Happy New Year!

You know, a day will come, and your awareness will increase as if you started a completely different life, things you can't name find titles, you're surprised at how sudden it is. That’s how I woke up this morning. It doesn’t happened in a second, but their time has come.

When you try a yoga pose for days and fail again and again, and randomly one day, when you go on the mat you realise that you are able to do it.  All you need for success is to not give up.
Or, you'll understand why a food recipe you have tried countless times hasn’t worked, from a movie scene.

You’ll ask yourself why discussions always come to the same point. You have not found words that will reflect your goodwill in solutions, yet.

I wish everyone a beautiful year in which increasing awareness removes the obstacles that appear on your way, and good innovations flow your way and stay green forever like the pine tree.

Wishing y'all a happy and a healthy year!


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