Friday, May 23, 2014

Turquoise and Summer!

Ohhhhh..summer breeze.. makes me feel gooood..very good! Every year when I feel it, makes me feel more ALIVE!! My heart beats for the color Turquoise every summer!! Cool color!!! Last summer I got a pair of shoes in Turquoise and this year is time to go shopping for a Turquoise dress! :)
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Another new thing makes me really happy; Laser Treatment I had a week ago. I had numerious visiable veins on my upper leggs since pregnancy. I have been wearing my compression stockings for a full week. 
Glad I decided that in May, lol..not in June or July :) 
They need a few more days to disapeare complately. (Novar Policlinic, Atakent, izmir)
I have more time to be home lately..Yay!!! Freedom!!! I will spend more time on internet, reading more blogs, pages and more time with my family which I really need it lately!

Cotton Candy fun :)

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Wishing you all an amazing summer filled with happiness, guys!  Thank you all one more time for your support, reading my blog, following me on social media, trying my recipes, your comments.. thanks for being here!!!


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